Saturday, August 25, 2007

Well belonging to a family of journalists, there is a tendency to romanticise the "fourth estate" as " upholders of the nations moralistic values" ....But the recent coverage in both print & electronic media of Sanjay Dutt's conviction leaves one very sad.. he is being portrayed as a wronged person who just happened to possess deadly weapons.

Also the debate on the Indo US nuclear deal , the Left is taking the refuge of imagined situations to put down the Govt's efforts...the deal will most likely solve India's energy problems & has made lots of Indian's proud that we have negotiated with the US on our own terms.


what shall I say said...

Well, there's a tendency to see him as Munnabhai really. Also, compared to some of the politicians we have who are currently screeching around in white cars with 18 car long escorts, who have a string of criminal and non criminal convictions to their name, he really is a babe in the woods. I think that's where this thing is coming from....

Hows the training going for the hdhm btw?

Paramvir Thakur said...

Yes thats right..comparative is the Key word.
Training is on..need to really push up the tempo now.. Are you too training for HDHM ?

what shall I say said...

yes, I am actually!

came across your blog because you'd left a comment on my blog on training for the hdhm ( which is going terribly btw, so dont know whether i am running or not... :()

good luck with the running! cheers

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